For the third time, NordPlant is arranging a virtual tour of one of our participating facilities. On this occasion it is the Climate Laboratory in Tromsø that will be featured. This facility is jointly maintained by UiT The Arctic University of Norway (UiT) and Norwegian Institute of Bioeconomy (Nibio). The Climate Laboratory has 6 daylight and 4 dark phytotrons for experimental use. The temperature of the daylight phytotrons can be adjusted from 6 °C to 27 °C and the dark rooms from +0.5 to 27 °C. In the phytotrons, air humidity, light intensity, quality and photoperiod can be adjusted. Being located 350 km north of the arctic circle, it is the northernmost phytotron in the world and offers opportunities to study plant growth with the unique light conditions characteristic of the arctic.
The tour will be held over Zoom, and kan be reached through this link: https://slu-se.zoom.us/j/66856612722 and the passcode 602248.
It is open to everyone and there is no need to sign up in advance. Welcome!