
Meeting of the NordPlant common data standards group

Join Zoom Meeting:

Passcode: 785379

Or physical at Scandic Ishavshotel, meeting room Nord-Norge (Fredrik Langes gate 2, 9008 Tromsø)

Program 15:00-17:30 CET

15:00 Welcome and short presentation of NordPlant, Erik Alexandersson, SLU

15:15 Update on NordPlant’s work, Jesper Cairo Westergaard, UCPH; Tatu Polvinen, UHEL; Sylvain Poque (UHEL)

15:45 Leg-stretcher

16:00 How do we engage researchers more in collecting and sharing plant phenotyping data and meta-data, Erik Alexandersson, SLU

16:15 Break-out rooms

16:40 Wrap-up of discussions

17:00 Meet the common data standards team. Feel free to ask any questions or come with input for the NordPlant common data standards-project